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Welcome to the
Topsfield Linear Common
and the
Friends of Topsfield Trails
The Topsfield Linear Common was built and is maintained without cost to the Town. The “Friends of Topsfield Trails”, is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 entity, contininuing the tradition of building and preserving the paths and trails that allow us to celebrate the beauty of our natural environment. Funds for this come from federal, state and private grants as well as private donations. The bulk of the labor is provided by a dedicated group of volunteers. Your donation is tax deductable.​​​​

To donate by check (we will send a tax deductible receipt), send to:
Friends of Topsfield Trails
​52 Prospect St.
Topsfield, MA 01983
To donate by PayPal:
​Thank you for your support!

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