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Get Involved!

​Your help in improving and maintaining the Trail would be most welcome.  Individuals and groups work as time permits for both small and large projects.  If you would like to join us in keeping the Trail in good condition, please e-mail us at:


The Friends of Topsfield Trails focuses on the Topsfield Linear

Common but also does work on the other trails in Topsfield.

While we have a core group of volunteers we are always looking for

additional help.  Let us know if you gave access to trucks, trailers,

compacters, Bobcats with tracks, etc. Our activities include:​​


  • "Adopting" a section of the trail to mow (with our riding mower) the shoulders using the Rail Trail tractor or your own equipment.
  • Trimming overhead foliage with hand loppers

  • Keeping drainage ditches clear

  • Planting flowers along the trail

  • Fixing eroded areas from water damage​


To volunteer for work parties or offer equipment for use on the trail please contact Roy Baessler:


Our volunteers include:

  • Friends of Topsfield Trails

  • Residents and out of towners like you.

  • Eagle Scouts: building bat boxes, benches, exercise station, and the planets spanning over 3 miles on the trail.

  • Topsfield Guides: (former Indian Guides) with fall cleanups.

  • Topsfield Cleanup day

  • Munroe Velo Bike Shop volunteers



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